La próxima semana (del 8 al 12 de febrero)celebraremos en el centro la "Semana de Carnaval".
Cada día tendremos una divertida consigna:
LUNES.-" Nos ponemos zapatos diferentes"
MARTES.-"Traemos un lazo o corbata"
MIÉRCOLES.-" Nos ponemos la ropa del revés"
JUEVES.-"Traemos un sombrero"
VIERNES.-"Nos maquillamos"
This year we are going to celebrate Carnival in our School following a different dressing code everyday of the week.
Remember that we try to have a bit of fun everyday without breaking the rhythm of our lessons.
Cheer up and follow the instructions given:
MONDAY.- "We wear different shoes"
TUESDAY.- "We wear a ribbon or a tie"
WEDNESDAY.- "We wear our clothes backwards and/or insideout"
THURSDAY.- "We wear a hat or a cap"
FRIDAY.- "We wear fancy make up"
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