Our 6th grade Blog

Children's Song: THE WHEELS ON THE BUS

The Wheels on the Bus

(Traditional Children’s Song)

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.

(Roll hands over each other)

The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beep -
beep, beep, beep - beep, beep, beep".
The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beep"
all through the town.

(Pretend to honk horn)

The wipers on the bus go "swish, swish, swish -
swish, swish, swish - swish, swish, swish".
The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish",
all through the town.

(Put arms together in front of you and ’swish’ like windshield wipers)

The driver on the bus says "move on back,
move on back, move on back".
The driver on the bus says "move on back",
all through the town.

(Move your right hand pointing at the back)

The children on the bus go up and down,
up and down, up and down.
The children on the bus go up and down,
all through the town.

(Stand up and sit down)

The babies on the bus go, "waa, waa, waa -
waa, waa, waa - waa, waa, waa".
The babies on the bus go "waa, waa, waa",
all through the town.

(Pretend to cry in silence)

The parents on the bus go, "shh, shh, shh -
shh, shh, shh - shh, shh, shh"
The parents on the bus go, "shh, shh, shh"
all through the town.

(Put pointer finger to mouth to `shhh’)

I love you, I love you"
The daddy on the bus says, "I love you, too"
All through the town.

(Point to self on ’I’, right hand over heart on ’love’, and point to other on ’you’)

4 comentarios

Maria 2º C -

A mi también me gusta mucho.

Estibaliz -

A mi esta canción también me gusta mucho y espero que vosotras la cantéis cuando vayáis de viaje con vuestras familias.

paula 2ºC -

Me ha gustado mucho el video the weels on the bus y espero que aya muchos mas,en el blog.

Lucia 2º C -

Tengo un autobus de cuando era pequeña con esta canción. Ahora es de mi hermano.